Port Susan Camping Club and the Tulalip Tribes of Washington entered into the “Compromise and Settlement Agreement” on June 14, 1996. This document governs the usage of Tribal Land by Port Susan Camping Club. Through this document, Port Susan operates using our current By-Laws and Rules and Regulations, along with sub-policies, such as the Greenbelt Policy and our current Building Codes, to help keep Port Susan in compliance with the Compromise and Settlement Agreement.
Below are links to PDF files for the above mentioned documents. If you cannot open these files, please visit Abode Reader to install a free version of Adobe Reader.
The Port Susan By-Laws are a signed document which has been agreed to by the Tulalip Tribes of Washington. This document explains how Port Susan is governed, what powers the Board of Directors have and the covenants agreed to by Port Susan.
Rules and Regulations
The Rules and Regulations are composed by Members of Port Susan, voted on by the Membership and finally approved by the Board of Directors. Whereas, the Rules cannot go against the By-Laws, they are the voice of the Membership where the By-Laws are silent.
Building Codes
Once you become a member, you may want to add a deck or shed to your site. In order to build within Port Susan, a building permit is required, which is available in Administration.
Greenbelt Policy
The greenbelt within Port Susan is governed by Tulalip Tribes of Washington and enforced by Port Susan pursuant to this Policy. This policy is written in joint effort of the Greenbelt Committee, Board of Directors and Tulalip Tribes of Washington.